We cannot know therefore there Agnosticism is what is most logical

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deloj's picture
We cannot know therefore there Agnosticism is what is most logical

look at it this way......how is it possible that energy in the start of the universe always existed.

Like how can something non personal always exist.

Its like saying the sky was always there. Its sort of a dead end

Even with God its a dead end as well because you say, well who created God?

EVERYWHERE you go with this logic you reach a dead end.

The best to be is agnostic, atheism is being so sure of something that might not even be true.


If i was wrong that would be fine, I mean I know i could be wrong lol


And like what do atheists mean by when they say God is hogwash because science.

Like okay, what science.

There is a lot to science that could be used to prove my point wrong.


Honestly I believe that sometimes things don't always have to have evidence to be possible.

Maybe God has his own reasons for not showing evidence always to minds who always want to know everything to feel security.

Think in that frame of mind, think out of the box.

And maybe God shows himself to be human at times maybe to relate to us.

Maybe God is so out of this world that we cannot understand what he will look like in his own natural form.

In other words, think outside of the box.


You can't really answer the question either way, we don't know esxactly what happened in the beginning but each of us has our own opinions based off certain ways of thinking.

Either way atheism can be just as stupid as religion and vice versa.

You cannot explain everything.

We cannot know everything but indeed there are things we can know as well.

I am just saying is that you should remain open. Agnosticism is what is most logical

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ZeffD's picture
We cannot know what exactly?
Nyarlathotep's picture
deloj - things don't always
Cognostic's picture
You are right and wrong.
ZeffD's picture
Also non-believers don't put
Sheldon's picture
Argumentum ad ignorantiam,
Cognostic's picture
@sheldon: Argumentum ad
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Dog-gonnit, Grin. That was

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