Ways in which science is superior to religion.

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Sapporo's picture
The advantage of doubt is
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
We must agree to disagree I
Tin-Man's picture
Personally, doubt serves to
Sapporo's picture
How is curiosity possible if
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I haven't said we are certain
Sapporo's picture
Doubt can just as readily
algebe's picture
@John 61X Breezy: "would you
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
If being flawed by
algebe's picture
@John 61X Breezy: "should
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I obviously don't think he
Sapporo's picture
Science is based on the
Sheldon's picture
Can you demonstrate any
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
People here are arguing for
Valiya's picture
HI Sheldon
Sheldon's picture
Hi ROYISM, religion does
Valiya's picture
Hi Sheldon
Sheldon's picture
Value judgements are
Valiya's picture
HI Sheldon
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
no scientist wonders if the
Valiya's picture
Sheldon's picture
Is religion really concerned
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
that is fine, just that
Valiya's picture
Randomhero1982's picture
If the young earth model was
Pastor luke's picture
Science is a gift from God.
Tin-Man's picture
@Yellow Post Troll
Sheldon's picture
"Science is a gift from God."
Randomhero1982's picture
Evolution has more
LostLocke's picture
Evolution also has more
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I don't think you understand


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