Was Muhammed a bad man ?

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abdrauf786's picture
Was Muhammed a bad man ?

I see many article cricizing him , but when i grew up i learned many good things about him and i am in a whatsapp group someone shared this message there , Was muhammed a WORST MAN or He had good Habits or Teachings too ?

""Biography of Prophet Muhammad - SAW
40 Lessons by Holy ProphetMuhammad (S.A.W)
01. Refrain from sleeping between fajr and Ishraq, Asr and Maghrib, Maghrib and Isha.
02. Avoid sitting with smelly people. i.e (onion)
03. Do not sleep between people who talk bad before sleeping.
04. Don’t eat and drink with your left hand.
05. Don’t eat the food that is taken out from your teeth.
06. Don’t break your knuckles.
07. Check your shoes before wearing it.
08. Don’t look at the sky while in Salaat.
09. Don’t spit in the toilet.
10. Don’t clean your teeth with charcoal.
11. Sit and wear your trousers.
12. Don’t break tough things with your teeth.
13. Don’t blow on your food when it’s hot but u can fan it.
14. Don’t look for faults of others.
15. Don’t talk between iqamath and adhan.
16. Don’t speak in the toilet.
17. Don’t speak tales about your friends.
18. Don’t antagonize your friends.
19. Don’t look behind frequently while walking.
20. Don’t stamp your feet while walking.
21. Don’t be suspicious about your friends.
22. Don’t speak lies at anytime.
23. Don’t smell the food while you eat.
24. Speak clearly so others can understand.
25. Avoid travelling alone.
26. Don’t decide on your own but do
consult others who know.
27. Don’t be proud of yourself.
28. Don’t be sad about your food.
29. Don’t boast.
30. Don’t chase the beggars.
31. Treat your guests well with good heart.
32. Be patient when in poverty.
33. Assist a good cause.
34. Think of your faults and repent.
35. Do good to those who do bad to you.
36. Be satisfied with what you have.
37. Don’t sleep too much - it causes forgetfulness.
38. Repent at least 100 times a day (Istighfaar).
39. Don’t eat in darkness.
40. Don’t eat mouth-full.""

I dont know about the teaching of our relugious leaders . Thoughts ?

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Good according to what
Nutmeg's picture
He was a paedophile who
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
funnily enough, few or none
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Abdul, I think you are
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Nice post
Stu. K.'s picture
Did I really just read "Don't
mislam's picture
Some of them are plain common
mykcob4's picture
Mohammed was an opportunist
CyberLN's picture
Was Mohammed a bad guy? I
solidzaku's picture
Mohammed was a cat person.

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