War On Christmas coming up?

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Rohan M.'s picture
War On Christmas coming up?

Hi all,

With the winter [trigger warning for conservatives] holidays just a couple of weeks away, I’ve decided to ask y’all a question: What are some of your views on the dreaded “War On Christmas”? Btw this is in preparation for Fox News’ and the Religious Reich’s cries of persecution and “Declare war on the atheist, not Christmas!”

As an atheist, I personally think it’s all a load of horseshit because I still celebrate and enjoy the aspects of Christmas that are about family, generosity, and the spirit of giving, even though I don’t do the nativity and church parts anymore, because I no longer believe in that stuff. Also, nobody is saying that you can’t call a Christmas tree a Christmas tree. Nobody is saying that you can’t celebrate the religious aspects of this holiday if you believe in that stuff.

Theists are welcome to give their opinions!

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xenoview's picture
The war on Christmas is a big
Rohan M.'s picture
And you forgot to mention how
Tin-Man's picture
What I find incredibly
algebe's picture
@Tin-Man: defending a PAGAN
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Algebe
arakish's picture
No matter what time of year
toto974's picture
Can i find some sites or
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Talyyn
Cognostic's picture
Richard Carrier - Historicity
Rohan M.'s picture
Io, Saturnalia, fratribus et
Rohan M.'s picture
No, it’s even more ironic
Cognostic's picture
What part of Christmas is
arakish's picture
And don't forget A Christmas
Chipperfhu's picture
With a compass in the stock!
Tin-Man's picture
Rohan M.'s picture
@ArakishAnd don't forget A
arakish's picture
@ Rohan
Rohan M.'s picture
Here’s yet another of my
Rohan M.'s picture
@Cognostic... watching
arakish's picture
What war on Christmas? rmfr
Rohan M.'s picture
The War On Christmas that us
Tin-Man's picture
Speaking of fun Christmas
Cognostic's picture
LOL.... As soon as you
LostLocke's picture
Ending the "War on Christmas"
Nyarlathotep's picture
The war on Christmas isn't
Cognostic's picture
That sure would piss off a
Sapporo's picture
I wouldn't mind Christmas so
arakish's picture
Yeah, like never again! rmfr
Sky Pilot's picture
As it says in Ecclesiastes 7
Tin-Man's picture
Here's your War on Christmas!


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