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Sir Random's picture

I walked into a McDonalds establishment to get lunch today. I orderd a meal, but when i asked for a large size drink and fries, the man behind the counter (appeared to be about 40) said, and I quote, "I can't allow you to do that because gluttony is a sin, and allowing you to partake in that would offend me." I didn't know how to respond I was so angry. I promptly left the establishment and went to burgerking, were they were more than happy to give me what I asked for without spitting out any nonsensical religious babble. Any comments, my fellow atheists, as to the ludocrasy of this scenario?



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ThePragmatic's picture
Seriously?! A living meme...


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solidzaku's picture
Isn't this a Facebook 'share
Sir Random's picture
The difference, my friends,
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Tzeentch LoL :D
ThePragmatic's picture
It's interesting though. What
Sir Random's picture
I'm currently trying to get


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ThePragmatic's picture
Probably. It's not something
Nutmeg's picture
Well, gluttony, if not a sin,
Sir Random's picture
I come from a long line of
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Get the guy fired.
Sir Random's picture
Done and done.
chimp3's picture
Taking dietary advice from a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
It could have been a candid
mykcob4's picture
I don't see why have to
solidzaku's picture
Honestly, unless you were
Sir Random's picture
I did get him fired. Actually
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Was kinda obvious he would be
Sir Random's picture
Duly noted.
Stu. K.'s picture
Maybe you were on What Would
Pathway Machine's picture
On the other end of the


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Pitar's picture
Odd story/event. I'd simply
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Lol I enjoyed reading your
helgaella99's picture
Drift Hunters https:/

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