A view from the trenches
I just got a hit of Moses in a meme and it brought up a funny situation I thought I would share.
When I was in the army I had this priest stand before us. I was raised in the big 'c', and though I had fire and brimstone priests, most had been "Jesus the hippy" leaning.
I'd spat out the 'body and blood' long before this, so I was simply happy not to be doing pushups.
This guy, a 'man of god', told us very matter-of-factly that 'yes 'big 10, number 5' say no killing, but that doing so in 'god's' name is not just acceptable, but just and will be lauded'. That we were doing 'gods work' with bombs and bayonets.
Further he stated that the way to make it in 'god's' name was post extermination/wholesale slaughter, you just gotta bend the priests ear, spew a couple prayers, and all is right as rain.
'Washed away'.
To kill the next question he informed us he or someone like him will be giving last rights right there in the trenches. So 'kill, not just with impunity, but the 'holy blessing', get killed we got your back, salvation is assured'.
The song we ended the 'good word' with was 'god is love'. Then back to the PT.
A different guy with a collar blessed our M-16s later.
"The love of god will protect you with this instrument of his power" then a splash of 'holy H2O' and all was right in the World.
God is love.
Good luck out there
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