The value of the poor & the Church!?

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Lee Wallace's picture
The value of the poor & the Church!?

How much does society value the poor. Are theists & non-theists as bad as each other? Should we hold the church to a higher standard? Given religion considers and argues it is the author of morality then in my opinion there is a problem here.

There is good evidence that poverty breeds poverty. Thus unless society enables social mobility by resolving socioeconomic inequalities then nothing will change. Seems the church is more interested in giving the wealthy money than the poor. This would seem to go against the teaching I received when I was a Christian.

I also highlight recent article that indicates that Christians are twice as likely to blame poverty on a lack of effort. (See: )

Can Christians defend this? Can non-theists really take the moral high ground?

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CyberLN's picture
I think that the empowerment
curious's picture
I am at lost to understand
Lemna Minor's picture
The difference to me seems

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