US news: Health care sharing ministries

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Nyarlathotep's picture
US news: Health care sharing ministries

Anyone heard about these? I just learned they exist!

Wikipedia: Health care sharing ministry - Health care sharing ministries are organizations in the United States in which health care costs are shared among members who have common ethical or religious beliefs. A health care sharing ministry does not use actuaries, does not accept risk or make guarantees, and does not purchase reinsurance policies on behalf of its members.

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boomer47's picture
Are you taking about a
Nyarlathotep's picture
cranky47 - Are you taking
boomer47's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I also belong to a State
NewSkeptic's picture
I've heard a radio
Fleeing in Terror's picture
The New York Times just had
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mrs. Paul Owczarek - The New
David Killens's picture
What a sick scam on gullible
Sheldon's picture
DK "This is just one more
ralphstewart's picture
Thank you for your review of
RobRaiin's picture
Health is our greatest value
GarryLow's picture
Agree with you
Nammarok's picture
Well what i think is that we
Satiro's picture
In addition to medical
Zara54's picture
We know that when you're
jenniferdehner9's picture
Yes, health care sharing


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MAbubakar's picture
Health care sharing
MAbubakar's picture
However in https:/

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