Universal Love

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rat spit's picture
Universal Love

Hello lovers;

As a worshipper of the OverLord, I was recently reflecting on love and, more particularly, the fabric of universal Love woven into space and time.

Out of curiosity, do Atheists believe in the reality of Universal Love? Now - not necessarily according to Jesus - now - this idea pops up in Buddhism as well (which we know is a “religion” without a belief in God or Creation).

Heck! What about “The Beatles”? Do Atheists even like the Beatles? Do they even get what they’re throwing down?

Peace and Love, Atheists - May you find it through a personal relationship with the embodiment of compassion - your Christ and Lord, Jesus the Saviour of all man-kind.

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toto974's picture
Have you evidence that love
rat spit's picture
Well. To answer your question
toto974's picture
@rat spit
Sheldon's picture
rat spit
rat spit's picture
So, let me see if I have this
toto974's picture
@ rat spit
Account Inactive's picture
@ rat spit
toto974's picture
Account Inactive's picture
toto974's picture
Account Inactive's picture
toto974's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
toto974's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Rat Spit
rat spit's picture
Precisely!!! All you need is
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM
Tin-Man's picture
@Old Man
David Killens's picture
I was there, man. I lived in
rat spit's picture
Heroin. “Once you let her
Sheldon's picture
rat spit "Heroin. “Once you
Nyarlathotep's picture
My favorite part is how you
Grinseed's picture
I prefer the Rolling Stones.
Cognostic's picture
Universal love my ass!
Account Inactive's picture
I used to love Lambs Navy Rum
In Spirit's picture
Hi rat
In Spirit's picture
Sapporo's picture
The thread topic reminds me
Cognostic's picture
Another utterly inane topic


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