The Uncontrolled Refugee Influx is Endangering the Union

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Endri Guri's picture
The Uncontrolled Refugee Influx is Endangering the Union

All of you know, or unless you've been living under a rock, that the Refugee Influx has been going on for almost 2 years, many illegal migrants are flushing in countries and there's basically no control of their assimilation. Crime rates have increased, disorder, protests and even ISIS members are having it way too easy to enter.

The EU is weak-bonded, it's being held together only by that thin economic reliance fiber, which is helping keep steps away from countries actually breaking away from the EU due to the idiotic immigration policies that it imposes on the EU members. Hungary, for example, is at a boiling point, the EU is forcing it to do something it doesn't want to, taking in refugees which are harming it's economy.

But that is not the main concern, the main concern is about their Assimilation. For whatever reasons, most of the refugees aren't assimilating to the respective Societies in countries, and I dare say that there are also those who are not affiliated with ISIS but still practice the Shariah Law, denying the current Laws.
There's also lots of comments on both sides, some respecting themselves as Racists for good, rather than live in a country dominated by Islam, others although at small numbers debunking these opinions.
Of course, U.S citizens (from comments that I've seen I'm quite sure they were U.S, glorifying their Orange President of course) are calling Europeans spineless, cowards for not taking up harsher methods of controlling refugees and defending our "race" and "laws" from Refugees who are not assimilating.
Sure, Europeans are making a move, it's that the same media would criticize protests against uncontrolled immigration as "racist" and as "not being the Muslims fault, it's the European that are the problem", but I am quoting here.

Germany, is doing a shit job at it while Merkel is just sitting around idly and fearing being labelled as "racist" if she even makes the slightest Anti-Immigration move.

This is a great tension, people have become too simple-minded and aggressive behavior can spark quickly between the Refugees and Natives when "racist" statements are announced in the Media.

So for myself, I'd say let the refugees in, ban Islamic traditions such as:
Wearing a burka or hijab,
the practice of Shariah Law (which is obviously been banned)
the building of Mosques (I know, Christians get an "Upgrade" here)
and other Islamic Rituals such as Ramadan etc.

- I'm not saying these just because I hate Islam, but the more we remove their Islamic traditions, which are closely related to their Eastern Traditions, the faster we could Assimilate the refugee population and integrate them into the society.

I'm not advocating Xenophobia or Racism here, I'm merely sharing Info, Opinions and possibly a Solution or a very bad Idea. But in the end, I'm looking for your response -
What's your Idea to handle the Refugee Influx that is crippling the EU and Europe as a whole?

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Truett's picture
Endri, it's a tough question
Endri Guri's picture
Honesty about the dangers we
Truett's picture
I understand your concern,
Truett's picture
PS: I think that when


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jamiebgood1's picture
This refugee problem is so
Endri Guri's picture
It's not modesty, it's

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