"Uncle fuck jesus"

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the78jack's picture
"Uncle fuck jesus"

So. Tomorrow is the "half day trial run" for my 4.5 yr old Mikey at Catholic pre-k. He's going Catholic cause our schools suck. Sadly a 1st grader just died from flu in my town. (People are praying for her) so, we just just finished dinner, I am on speaker phone with my mom and I tell her that Mikey is going to new school tomorrow. So, o say he is going to make friends with Jesus, ad my kid replies "Uncle jesus?" I am like no, 7 can't say that . Then he proclaims :
"Uncle fuck jesus".
I almost lost my shit. Wife kept it together, told him not to §at that... I hope (and pray) that he does use the Lord's name in vain tomorrow.
(This forum is a Jesus support group, right)
On to the discussion:
What would be your response to my Jesus school 4.5 yr old son's "fuck uncle jesus" proclamation ?

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Tin-Man's picture
Just make sure you use a
chimp3's picture
Protect your children! What a
David Killens's picture
Oh my, expect a lot of phone
arakish's picture
I have to agree with chimp3,
the78jack's picture
Ha! Thanks for the support!
LogicFTW's picture
If the other schools in the
the78jack's picture
thanks Logic- high school
Thestoat's picture
The big plus of https:/

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