Tracie, Jen, and John Iacoletti leave behind the ACA and the show.

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Kafei's picture
Tracie, Jen, and John Iacoletti leave behind the ACA and the show.

Tracie Harris, Jen Peeples and John Iacoletti announced their leave of the ACA and The Atheist Experience internet-based show. Unless this is some kind of belated April's fool's joke, this is disappointing news. Tracie has always been one of my favorite hosts on the show, Matt Dillahunty often recognizes her contribution across episodes. Did TAE just lose their only female hosts? I realize they have Jenna Belk scheduled for the next episode, but I don't believe she's a regular host. She's a guest. Of course, the whole Rationality Rules fiasco is another topic. I've heard Steve McRae say that ACA is a force against free thought, but I believe he may have been quoting someone else, I don't want to hold him to that. I'd like to hear thoughts from denizens, newcomers, anyone interested in any of these topics.



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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Well, that's a bugger.
Tin-Man's picture
Son of a..... Well, that just
Kafei's picture
Oil can?
Randomhero1982's picture
Well I truly hope it's not
salieri's picture
I am a regular viewer of the
Cognostic's picture
The fact that they are
MinutiaeAccreted's picture
The "Rationality Rules"
Tin-Man's picture
@AM Re: "The "Rationality
qwerty0181's picture
I have only recently started


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qwerty0181's picture
Was I was going to write,
Kafei's picture
Doesn't seem like it. Tracie
tomusa0106's picture
Sad to hear that Tracie, Jen,
jamelipz's picture
Tracie, Jen, and John's
MAbubakar's picture
Tracie Harris, Jen Peeples,
MAbubakar's picture
The Atheist Experience for
g2gbet's picture
It's certainly disheartening
marry68's picture
Wow, great article. I want to
Alice12's picture
Their departure is truly a

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