Tossing Rocks.

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mykcob4's picture
Tossing Rocks.

In the history of humankind, There have been a pantheon of gods, sons of gods, and prophets that profess to not only know the future but be in communication with god/gods.
All of these myths and legends have been explicitly used to control a society, tribe, or group of people to obey worship and handover power and wealth to the professed "religious" leader.
The Egyptians have been the most successful with over 5000 years of uninterrupted power. Inevitably these beliefs all end, giving way to a new belief. The reason for this is simply that the people, tribe, or society wake up to reality. How does that happen? Well in many cases by simply tossing a rock.
In 1778 Captain James Cook anchored off the Hawaiian Islands to provision his two ships. There he discovered the natives. These natives, when seeing Cook thought him a god. They treated him as such. When his men took liberties, by raping the local women, the natives ignored this transgression. When ordered around, the natives obeyed. After a year of this abuse, some of the natives began to become disillusioned. After seeing your wife and children (girls & boys) raped, beaten and humiliated by drunken assholes, you can see why. One day at Kealakekua Bay one native had too much and rebelled. He threw a rock that struck Cook and caused him to bleed. Upon seeing their god bleed and thus being a mere mortal, the natives attacked Cook and killed him where he stood.
All religion is like this event. Every god, son of god, prophet, is a fake. One needs to but toss a rock to see the reality of the myth. That rock needn't actually be a rock. A logical question will do. No myth can stand the scrutiny of investigation.

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algebe's picture
That slanderous version of
mykcob4's picture
Well, I grew up in Hawaii.
algebe's picture
Dibble wrote the history book
Flamenca's picture
Very interesting, @Mykcob,
Keith Raye's picture
History is written by the
algebe's picture
@Flamencabot: "Cook doesn't
mykcob4's picture
I don't think got a chief's
algebe's picture
@Mykcob4: "I doubt he was
mykcob4's picture
As far as I know, there hasn

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