Torah confirmed

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Harry33Truman's picture
Torah confirmed

Deuteronomy 3:11:
"For only Og king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim Behold, his bedstead was an iron bedstead; it is in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. Its length was nine cubits and its width four cubits by ordinary cubit."

In fact, according to Chinese records Confucius was a 9 ft tall giant!

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chimp3's picture
Divining rods? The History
Nyarlathotep's picture
Best part is, I can't tell he
ThePragmatic's picture
"Geologist Scott Wolter


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Harry33Truman's picture
Scott walker is an expert
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Harry Truman
mykcob4's picture
The History Channel is owned
Harry33Truman's picture
So it's from Fox this it's
charvakheresy's picture
@ Harry Truman - Jainism,
Harry33Truman's picture
No it was just an interesting
charvakheresy's picture
yes but somehow Hinduism and
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's picture
"yes but somehow Hinduism and
charvakheresy's picture
Matsya and Kalki are similar
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's picture
Come on, don`t be lazy, work
chimp3's picture
It is easy to imagine why
Kataclismic's picture
"Wadlow reached 8 ft 11.1 in

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