Top ten horrifying parts of the bible

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Lmale's picture
Top ten horrifying parts of the bible

Next time a christian tells you his god is loving just and merciful simply direct them to this link.

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beneames's picture
1 Job. Fiction (this is
SammyShazaam's picture
a good part of the 10 plagues
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
From my research, there is
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
ahh don't bother answering
beneames's picture
Oh did you miss me Jeff? ;)
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
sorry to hear that you lost
beneames's picture
Thanks mate, it's good to be
Zaphod's picture
Yeah, sorry you lost your job
beneames's picture
Thanks very much, it's nice
CyberLN's picture
Welcome back, Ben. Glad you
beneames's picture
It's a brilliant new social
CyberLN's picture
How lovely, Ben. It's a
beneames's picture
1 Job. Fiction (this is
beneames's picture
Not sure why that posted
efpierce's picture
I think if these stories were
efpierce's picture
I think if these stories were
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Beneames, we can keep playing
Lmale's picture
Damn i was going to say that.
mysticrose's picture
It can only means one of the
beneames's picture
Now we're getting to the
Zaphod's picture
Someone once told me and I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Zaphod's picture
I try to look at things with
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
well, I accept your apology,
Lmale's picture
I like your democratic brain
mysticrose's picture
It's also been clarified in

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