Too far-fetched?

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Jeet Balraj's picture
Too far-fetched?

"Doesn't the idea of coming from useless dust through simple bacteria to complex humans seem too far-fetched?Maybe as far-fetched as the idea of an existing God?"

This question shut me up.Any ideas...anybody?

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ZeffD's picture
Science is not far fetched
Jeet Balraj's picture
Well,currently am an agnostic
chimp3's picture
Jeet Balraj : Why do you
Jeet Balraj's picture
Since the earth was formed
chimp3's picture
I think the concept of
Jeet Balraj's picture
Lay aside the 'US vs Them
chimp3's picture
I am not neutral on this
ZeffD's picture
I didn't intend offence and I
Nyarlathotep's picture
Dust is kind of a over
CyberLN's picture
Meet, one word makes all the
mykcob4's picture
Yes mankind came from star
Pitar's picture
Read this eulogy. It
charvakheresy's picture
@ Jeet Balraj : Richard
Kataclismic's picture
There is a place here on
charvakheresy's picture
@ kataclismic : I don't mean
charvakheresy's picture
On a side note however I
mykcob4's picture
Here is clear proof that we
Kataclismic's picture
My apologies for over

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