Tomb necklaces?

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Diddlyboop's picture
Tomb necklaces?

Hey, everyone! I'm new to this forum in particular and about six months into atheism. I know this is a silly thing to get worked up over, but unfortunately I'm still sweating the small stuff and talking to fellow heathens is what helps me most.

I'll spare you the story of my deconversion for now, but my family is still quite Christian and a couple of times my mother has cited religious artifacts to me to discourage my lack of faith. First there was the shroud of Turin. I'm still getting over that, but that's not what this is about either.

In particular, there are these gold necklaces (I believe they're called nativity necklaces after looking them up) that claim to boast a piece of the stone rolled away from Jesus' tomb. Given that it was about $600, it sounds like a case of "God loves you and needs money", but the less rational side of me keeps freaking out...

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MCDennis's picture
I've got a special holy rock
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sounds like a hoax that has
chimp3's picture
If somebody claimed a
Dave Matson's picture
algebe's picture
Holy shit!
Dave Matson's picture
Walter McCrone wrote a book
BAACKJD's picture
If anything, these scams
Pitar's picture
Religion, corruption, what's
Diddlyboop's picture
Ah, thank you guys so much. I
watchman's picture
Dave Matson's picture
Diddlyboop's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Pollen and blood huh? Wow it
watchman's picture
In AD329, the Emperor
algebe's picture
The relic abuse industry is
MCDennis's picture
Great. Now prove any of this
psykulot's picture
Whoaa !! $600 ? I hope we can
Diddlyboop's picture
Yep, 600 bucks. I reckon it's

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