Today's verse.

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Grinseed's picture
Today's verse.

Bible verse study today is Genesis 2:18-20
"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make for him an help meet for him."

So in verses 19 and 20 God creates all the animals in the world and Adam names them, but then comes the creepy part, "but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him."

So God puts him to sleep, takes a rib and makes a woman.

Was god expecting that Adam would find a mate, a sexual partner, amongst the animals?
What part of intelligent design does this infer?
The animals created presumably already had sexes and presumably sex, so that part was already worked out.
It is not stated anywhere in the bible that sex was invented later.
Was bestiality part of the original divine creation plan?

Why not just make the woman at the same time unless you were going to be a complete mysoginistic ancient priestly scribe or something?

I'm starting to think the bible was not written by God.

And it was left to man and woman to create the dog, the very best help meet ever.

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