The three fears that lead to religions

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toto974's picture
The three fears that lead to religions

There are, in my opinion, three main fears that make us prey to religions and their various con-man. The first is, obviously, death. People with the delusion of religions, can't comprehend that death is the permanent, irreversible cessation of existence of your self.

Secondly, the fear of the unknow, we don't know what can be lurking in the dark, we don't know what is lightning and you can go on...

Last the fear of being insignificant, not in control. Some disaster happens? The gods have a plan! Some person has hurt you in some way? Karma is a bitch!!!!

Religions keep us as eternal infants, robbing us of our dignity and future.

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CyberLN's picture
I would add laziness to your
gupsphoo's picture
But laziness is not a fear.
Cognostic's picture
CHK-C I disagree.
gupsphoo's picture
What a stretch! I bet if you
gupsphoo's picture
Wait, this isn't the first
Cognostic's picture
@HK-C - RE: "Do you think I
gupsphoo's picture
You're really trying hard to
Cognostic's picture
@CHK-C - I would assert that
gupsphoo's picture
My reply to CyberLN was that
Cognostic's picture
God you are dense!!!!
gupsphoo's picture
Laziness being linked to fear
Cognostic's picture
Stop being retarded. Have a
gupsphoo's picture
There you go again with your
Cognostic's picture
Tell you what. I will
gupsphoo's picture
Look, all I said was
Cognostic's picture
gupsphoo's picture
Like I said before, if you
Cognostic's picture
No it does not.... Yes,
gupsphoo's picture
Let's be honest, if someone
Up To My Neck's picture
In my opinion, you are very
gupsphoo's picture
Throughout this conversation,
Cognostic's picture
No.... let's just keep being
gupsphoo's picture
Remember, when you said "NO
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
gupsphoo's picture
Laziness may be a symptom of
Cognostic's picture
ANALOGY: (Red spots and a
Tin-Man's picture
@CHK-C Re: Laziness and fear
toto974's picture
Yes, surely it is on the list
dogalmighty's picture
Hey Talyyn,
Cognostic's picture
Interesting. When I allowed


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