Thoughts On Theist "Proving," God Actually Exist

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Ellie Harris's picture
Thoughts On Theist "Proving," God Actually Exist

Theist a thousands of year old book is proof that some human put together a book. That you feel awe when you look listen or hear something of beauty only means that you observed a phenomena that your brain liked. Only god can prove it exist to those of us that haven't died yet. Unless you've been dead for a month and come back into human existence after actually seeing the face of god and being elevated to it's level then you are simply claiming to know things that you can't possibly know. : )

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Lmale's picture
What i find funny is most
Ellie Harris's picture
Even if it was a set of eye
CyberLN's picture
Request clarification on your
Ellie Harris's picture
My apologizes CyberLN, that
CyberLN's picture
Thanks! (Chuckle). Was
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
What do you expect from
beneames's picture
Oh that's a little harsh. My
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
did you make a post, claiming
SammyShazaam's picture
I was going to paraphrase the
Ellie Harris's picture
Demeaning all theist is not
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If some one refuses to accept
Ellie Harris's picture
Nah, its just a bad statement
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Polynesians? As far as I know
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
If someone comes with a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Ellie, my point was that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Ellie Harris's picture
So are all theist stupid?
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I didn't say that.
beneames's picture
So you are certain there is
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I didn't say that.
Zaphod's picture
No post on a forum no matter
Zaphod's picture
until we can come up with
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Well I do not wish to discuss
CyberLN's picture
Logic infers, it does not
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Logic proves that if you are
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Edit: I did not say that
CyberLN's picture
There are many types of logic
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You can read English even if
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Agree not all logic can prove
CyberLN's picture
You said I was "reading"


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