Thoughts on Morality Video?

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whatistruth1838.146's picture
Thoughts on Morality Video?

Thoughts on this video anyone?

I'm down to listen and engage!



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SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
The language used in this
LogicFTW's picture
Thanks for saving me the time
whatistruth1838.146's picture
LogicFTW's picture
Thanks for the compliment on
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Thanks for your comments
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Thanks for your comments
mykcob4's picture
whatistruth1838.146's picture
mykob4! Thanks for your
LogicFTW's picture
Based on the definition you
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Thank you for your answer!
LogicFTW's picture
Correct, the concept of
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Perhaps my usage of words is
LogicFTW's picture
Math (an idea and a concept
mykcob4's picture
This all boils down to the
whatistruth1838.146's picture
I agree with you that God's
mykcob4's picture
No, I don't have to disprove
Xx-DeAsh-xX's picture
This video had lots of bold
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Hello Sebastian
whatistruth1838.146's picture
mykob4! Thanks for your
Nyarlathotep's picture
whatistruth1838.146 - do you
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Hello Nyarlothotep,
Nyarlathotep's picture
whatistruth1838.146 -
whatistruth1838.146's picture
So long as that is the case,
Nyarlathotep's picture
whatistruth1838.146 - This
whatistruth1838.146's picture
I didn't say that, that was
Nyarlathotep's picture
whatistruth1838.146 - If he
Truett's picture
Whatistruth, what would life
whatistruth1838.146's picture
Truett thanks for your
Nyarlathotep's picture
There would have been no
whatistruth1838.146's picture
I agree with your first point


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