Thoughts on Buddhism?

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Johnathan Graham's picture
Thoughts on Buddhism?

I view Buddhism as one of the only "Religions" that I accept. Buddhism actually includes science behind it, and uses scientific studies to support their claims (EX. Study on grey matter association with meditation). So I'd like to get your views on this "Religion". I don't really consider it a religion in a sense its more on a philosophical basis, but I'd like to hear your views on some questions as well!

1. Do you like the ideal behind Buddhism (Meditation, etc)

2. Do you think that Buddhism has been inhibiting to humanity?

3.Would you consider being Buddhist(Mind you, people can be atheistic with Buddhist beliefs, one of my close friends went to Tibet to study and identifies himself as so).

4.Do you view Buddhism as a valid Religion?

5.What religion do you think is more valid than Buddhism?

Thank's for your insight and participation in the thread! Have a nice day my fellow Religious pals, or my Godless Heathens!

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Frrank's picture
Buddhism is 500 years older
Frrank's picture
*In number 1, I meant to say
Johnathan Graham's picture
Hello Frank! Glad I could
Frrank's picture
noznoze's picture
Like you John I consider
Frrank's picture
Buddhism started in India.
Nyarlathotep's picture
If you were to ask me if I
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Jesus is a literal creation

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