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imnutsinmt's picture

I have so much to say about this photo but I want to hear what you guys think. This photo was posted on Facebook by my own father and how he feels about me and my "science."



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Mad Mac's picture
I love it when liberal
Sheldon's picture
You have my sympathies, but
NewSkeptic's picture
Some people are just better
Tin-Man's picture
Interesting to me how people
Ramo Mpq's picture
After finding it a little
Sheldon's picture
"just because someone is a
mickron88's picture
i bet his dad failed his
LogicFTW's picture
@Orignal post
Peurii's picture
LogicFTW's picture
I think it is safe to say
The_Quieter's picture
Let's correct it.
algebe's picture
I always hated the Jerry
Terminal Dogma's picture
Gender is not a scientific
Sapporo's picture
Arguments about gender tend
Terminal Dogma's picture
Gender is only constructed by
arakish's picture
I have to agree with what TIn
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
Yeah. I agree with you. I
LogicFTW's picture
Yikes on that AC repair bill.
arakish's picture
"...any special knowledgeable
LogicFTW's picture
Thanks for typing out some of
Sheldon's picture
I'm after an OLED screen
LogicFTW's picture
Yeah I am considering getting
David Killens's picture
The picture posted by the OP
curtisabass's picture
I would say the person who
Sheldon's picture
Damn good post. My dad was an
arakish's picture
Agreed. Affirmative. Ain't
ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I disagree with the picture
JazzTheist's picture
I can relate to this. My
arakish's picture
Hey Mr. Squid,


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