They keep trying to convince me back

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Michee's picture
They keep trying to convince me back

Every since I became an anti-theist people keep telling me "God loves you should come back".I tell them if god exist then he a total jerk. They always replay with god loves you because the bible said so.I don't think a old book is a good source to back up anything. They tell me that they'll pray for me. What I really hate the most is that they avoid the question with prayer. I've been christian for about 3 years and I notice that god made a lot of promises and when he doesn't keep up with it there always an excuse. I always wonder why they don't question their religion? It's like to listen to god and don't question.

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cmallen's picture
I have to agree with you that
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
total jerk
mysticrose's picture
Religious people around me
ThePragmatic's picture
For many, it is best not to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
true, lived part of my life
Athena Nicole Pothakos's picture
I've gotten, "You should come
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
It's part of the religious
Michee's picture
True that one of the main
jaha twitch's picture
Completely agree but 'jerk'
Michee's picture
I agree. He cause me so much

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