Is there a religious argument made that you feel you could not answer

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Vinnie Sullivan's picture
Is there a religious argument made that you feel you could not answer

Do you feel a valid point has ever been made to you that you feel you do not have an answer to? by listing and discussing such subjects together those with a better answer can help arm those sat on the fence or helping those sat on the fence. Please research out new blog via You Tube : Revelation Be Damned Try or on a lighter note just started up so any support or even discourse would be much appreciated its time to converse openly and evict the elephant in the room. Together was can round up each argument made by a capricious and dangerous work of fiction and make easy work of putting them to rest.



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biggus dickus's picture
dun know we had adds.

Dun know we had ads.

Pitar's picture
I can't be bothered with the

I can't be bothered with the campaign against theism at large. I hold to my persuasion and when the mood and material are aligned I give to it what any self respecting atheist has to give. Beyond that, I'm a sleeper.

Regarding the question itself, no, there's no valid argument for biblical truth in the presence of the archeological record dismissing its claims out of hand. The argument isn't about that, though. It's about accepting the historicity of man as the only truth and that lies outside, and fully in contention with the biblical claim. Accepting man's historicity, from the theist perspective, must include the bible and the part of the psyche that holds it to be the truth. To accept the biblical claim as truth man's historicity must be rejected, wholesale, and deflected as the theist psyche's devil's work. Therein lies the argument. Which one can be accepted as man's true path?

I have no energy to promote the secular reality to a populace anticipating immortality from exposure to centuries of indoctrination. You cannot penetrate that defense in the span of several generations, much less one.

The tools of a scientific debunking only serve to entrench belief systems ever-more-strongly into the cores of people's psyches. They take on a fearful defense against their fellow man as the enemy of their souls and therefore of the god they hold to be real. They have no outwardly definable, no logical defense against that so they introvert and remain stoically guarded. Drive past the houses of worship on holy days and you will see their numbers. They might appear to be dwindling but I'm guessing many people no longer make an overt display of their theism and remain home for fear of being ridiculed for their beliefs.

Anecdotal - This very phenomena transpired recently in the latest US presidential election where conservatives, deflecting public ridicule for their opinions, told the pollsters what the opposition wanted to hear. The polls, in turn, reflected overwhelming support of the candidate who ultimately lost. She still held the popular vote but nowhere near the representation the pre-election polls gave her. The polls became suspect and have since been tagged as unreliable at best and fake news at worst. Factors leading to that judgement now include the ridicule factor one group accosts the other with, meaning, the polls can be tainted and rendered unreliable by certain human factors extant at the time, place and through the method they are taken. In the religious context, an outwardly appearing diminishing of open theism is not necessarily what it seems.

Point of the foregoing? You might as well be knocking your heads against a wall of your own choosing.

mykcob4's picture
If you have a topic to

If you have a topic to discuss fine. I think that self-promotion is a violation. I have never come across a point or an argument made in favor of a god that isn't easily refuted. I have no need of a campaign for support.

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
I've yet to hear a convincing

I've yet to hear a convincing argument from a theist that has made me think otherwise.

The usual modes of debate are,
-Logical Argument
-Infinite regress argument

With nothing to support the claims that makes one need to really think.

Nyarlathotep's picture
LucyAustralopithecus -

LucyAustralopithecus -
-Logical Argument
-Infinite regress argument

Just to add to your excellent list:

  • Someone arguing there is no such thing as freewill; but then asks us why we say the things we say.
  • Someone arguing against a strawman version of evolution.
  • Someone claiming that god has given us an absolute unchanging objective moral rules; but then can't tell us what the rules are; or worse immediately appeals to situational ethics when questioned.
Flamenca's picture
Hi, Lucy! Just a question, I

Hi, Lucy! Just a question, I can't find what OBE means... And I guess you weren't referring to the Order of the British Empire, were you? xD

algebe's picture
@Angiebot: "I can't find what

@Angiebot: "I can't find what OBE means"

An OBE is either an oil bath and enema, which was a medical procedure traditionally used to prepare pregnant women for childbirth, or an out of body experience, a kind of hallucination that credulous people see as evidence of a soul or god.

Flamenca's picture
Thanks, Algebe!

Thanks, Algebe!

xenoview's picture
This violates the forum rules

This violates the forum rules about No advertising or self-promoting.

MCDennis's picture
No. DO you have a good

No. DO you have a good argument for the existence of gods or a god

Randomhero1982's picture


MCDennis's picture
is there a religious argument

is there a religious argument. of course not

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