Is there a relationship between IQ and Religion?

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Titilayo's picture
Is there a relationship between IQ and Religion?

Sometimes those whom we see as intelligent folks making some stupid pronunciation that will make you cringe
Does religion lower human iq or does it attract people of lower Iq
Another of my observations is chances are 70% of those who believed 100% of what they preach or what their pastors preach end up poor.
Who can explain this phenomenon to me.

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Sheldon's picture
"Religious people are less
Cognostic's picture
Apparently there is....
Sheldon's picture
It's important to remember
Titilayo's picture
Sheldon's picture
"do they really believe it or
Nyarlathotep's picture
Maybe the relationship goes
Grinseed's picture
In her book "Why We Lie"
reedemption's picture
I can only speak from the
Tin-Man's picture
@Reedemption Re: "This is
Tin-Man's picture
For what it's worth, I
Sheldon's picture
reedemption "I can only
Sheldon's picture
reedemption "Albert Einstein
algebe's picture
boomer47's picture
As far as I'm aware, there
Paul1047's picture
The Church has historically
reedemption's picture
Sheldon's picture
reedemption "Newton doesn't
Grinseed's picture
Newton was a Unitarian and he
Sheldon's picture
So, so far reedemption has
CyberLN's picture
Titilayo, let’s first decide


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boomer47's picture
I think in the 70's a
Sheldon's picture
cranky47 "IQ measures a
Cognostic's picture
I know there is a stigma
Nyarlathotep's picture
Cognostic - To qualify,
Sheldon's picture
Cognostic " If you do not
boomer47's picture
Content: The fictional
Cognostic's picture
I ran 6 group homes. If the
Calilasseia's picture
If some of the glue sniffers
Sheldon's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Cali Re: "If some of the


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