Is There No Limit to Theistic Ignorance?

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Cognostic's picture
Is There No Limit to Theistic Ignorance?

I read this shit and my jaw dropped. How can theists be this ignorant?

"Here are some things that empirical evidence cannot be provided for.
I am sure you use or believe in these.
History (you can’t directly observe it, smell it, or perform test on it)
The Future
I agree that empiricism is a great tool, but should it be our only tool?
Is it applicable to everything?"

If empiricism is a great tool, why in the hell don't more theists use it?

*Logic is completely empirical. It works. It is demonstrable. It is repeatable. It is the structure behind all effective reasoning, ethics, and morality. Morality without logic is a Theistic Dictate.

*History? Do theists have a fucking clue what the word "History" means or how we explore it. Do you imagine we just make it up? History is completely empirical.

This is some of the most ignorant garbage I have ever seen on the site.

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Grinseed's picture And one of
Tin-Man's picture
@Grin Re: ""
David Killens's picture
One syllable, zero brain
Grinseed's picture
Thanks Tin, without looking,
Tin-Man's picture
Grinseed's picture
Cognostic's picture
I'm trying not to put down
xenoview's picture
Someone is passing out
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@Xeno Re: Cookies
Cognostic's picture
Okay Okay, Help yourself...


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Grinseed's picture
Thanks Cog. You the pan
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Cognostic's picture
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10,000 agrees to you Calli!
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Once again, Cali nails it in
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If called upon to do so (and
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PJ!!! Long time, no see! How
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I would take that sign as a
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As far as the title of thread
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rwreeves's picture
Ahhh. But in the delusion

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