There is no evidence for abcense

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xenoview's picture

So you have objective evidence of your god? I think all you have is subjective evidence from your mind only.

Sheldon's picture
Leper "@chimp3

Leper "@chimp3

I don't know what you mean either."

Of course you do don't be absurd. You said atheists have no evidence for absence, that's all we have, unless you think non existence leaves tangible empirical evidence? please do explain what the empirical evidence for the non existence of unicorns is, or Zeus for that matter?

Tin-Man's picture
To the tune of: "I've Been

To the tune of: "I've Been Working on the Railroad". Everybody, sing along now!....

Oh, I've been working on this Troll song
All the live-long day!
I've been working on this Troll song
Just to pass the time away!

Can't you hear the Troll's gums flapping?
Blabbing until early in the morn!
Can't you hear the Troll's gums flapping?
Listen to it's scorn!

Leper, won't you Troll
Leper, won't you Troll
Leper, won't you Troll some mor-or-ore!
Leper, won't you Troll
Leper, won't you Troll
Leper, won't you Troll some more!

...*clap-clap-clap-clap-clap-clap*..... Yay! You all did GREAT! Wasn't that FUN?!?

NewSkeptic's picture
Leper on the 'puter with

Leper on the 'puter with Fergie
Leper on the 'puter you know ow ow ow
Leper on the 'puter with Fergie
Doesn't think and doesn't know ow ow ow

(this verse is soooo bad, it PROVES that a god cannot possibly exist)

Tin-Man's picture


Daaaaaaaamn.... *long slow whistle*... And I thought MY lyrics were horrible. But, hell, I'm pretty sure you've got me beat. Impressive... *nod of aporoval*...

NewSkeptic's picture


I can only chalk it up to divine inspiration.

Cognostic's picture


How long have you been on the site? You still have no working knowledge of what Atheism means? How long will you remain ignorant. You are obviously not smart enough to set up a straw man fallacy and then attack it. Atheists have no BELIEFS. There is nothing in atheism, nothing at all, that requires a belief.

Atheists are non-believers. We do not believe in your stupid ideas. We don't believe in them because you have no evidence at all supporting them.

What happens to an atheist after death? *They Die. just like everyone else regardless of the delusions they believe in.

If you have any evidence at all for anything else at all why not present it?

Possibly's picture
"How long have you been on

"How long have you been on the site? You still have no working knowledge of what Atheism means? How long will you remain ignorant."

I think you said this before to someone else.

Cognostic's picture
@Leper: "I think you said

@Leper: "I think you said this before to someone else."
And you still haven't figured it out. So you are admitting that you are incapable of learning anything new. You are admitting that you are a closed minded troll. You are admitting that you are not interested in any kind of a debate, but rather just sitting around on the site making one inane assertion after another.


Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP - "There is no

Re: OP - "There is no evidence for abcense"

Au contraire! I beg to differ! Just so happens I have a bottle of it sitting on my kitchen counter at this very moment. See?...


Attach Image/Video?: 

Nyarlathotep's picture
LOL, that is what came to

LOL, that is what came to mind when I first read the topic title!

Randomhero1982's picture


Soooooo, the big bang came from you getting rat arsed in your kitchen?

Who'd have thought.....

Tin-Man's picture
@Random Re: "Soooooo, the

@Random Re: "Soooooo, the big bang came from you getting rat arsed in your kitchen?"

I have to admit, that was one crazy night... (what little I remember of it.) But, yeah, imagine my surprise when I woke up the next afternoon with an-expanding-friggin'-universe in my back yard! Needless to say, I had much explaining to do to my neighbors.

Randomhero1982's picture
Yep, all whilst Carl Sagan

Yep, all whilst Carl Sagan mans the BBQ, Slowly turning over the sausages and suggestively winking at you....

TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
I assume that you are

I assume that you are conflating the universe coming from 'nothing' with atheists, because most non-believers are of a scientific inclination.

This is demonstrably false, as it is very clear what atheism actually is, but nevertheless, let's delve down the rabbit hole.

Imagine, if you will, that you are trying to get from point A to Z.

Science to the lay person, would get one from A to Y and we are simply missing Z.

In reality however, The most sound of mind would say, "We don't know where we are, in the path of knowledge".
We may think we've gotten half way there, but something may spring up and make us realise we are further from where we previously thought.

However, religion started off with A to Z.

Now through knowledge, science, empiricism, data, evidence and so on, Religion has continually regressed to a point that religion offers nothing of value.

You are essentially at B, With the morality question, 'god of the gaps' position and other assortments of incredulity.

Cognostic's picture
@LEPER: RE: "There is no

@LEPER: RE: "There is no evidence for absence" *Note: (Spelling check)

100% Agreement. No evidence at all. There is also no evidence what so ever for existence. In the complete lack of evidence for either position, the only sensible position is to withhold judgment and belief. Not believe that god does not exist. Not believe that god does exist. HEY! That's Atheism. Wow, imagine that!!!! Atheism: the non-belief in god or gods.

toto974's picture
First, we do, or I, do not

First, we do, or I, do not base my entire life in a belief. I'm just going trough the days that anyone else. Second, what is this belief fo which there is no evidence? I sense a reversal of the burden of proof here.

You are saying that we should be afraid of Hell? Why would I be afraid of something I think does not exist?

Atheism is just a non belief in gods, nothing else. A substantial number of atheists still believe in a afterlife as well as many other supernatural things.

Now I'm going to see what others said.

Sheldon's picture
PMLMAO, you're trolling, but

PMLMAO, you're trolling, but I'll bite.

1. Atheism isn't a belief.
2. That is not how you spell absence,
3. There is no evidence for the absence of unicorns, so:=
a) Are you saying you believe in unicorns?
b) Aren't you afraid not to believe in unicorns, so why should I fear your fictitious deity anymore than you fear unicorns?
4. Why would anyone be frightened by archaic fictitious superstitions? Such fears are borne of ignorance and stupidity.
5. There is no evidence anything happens to anyone after they die, again this fatuous belief is borne of ignorance, and ego.
6. There is no such thing as a "good" atheist, there are only atheists who may have lived good lives, and again when their brains cease to function they will cease to experience anything, just as they experienced nothing before their brain started to function.

Fearing death is an absurd waste of energy, as is worshipping unevidenced deities, as death is the price of admission for this ride.

Sheldon's picture
@Leper please Google

@Leper please Google argumentum ad ignorantiam fallacy.

Your thread is predicated on that fallacy, and on the false assumption that atheism is a belief or claim that carries a burden of proof. Theism is a belief, that belief is the affirmation of a claim. Atheism is simply the lack or absence of that belief. An atheist no more has a burden of proof for the non existence of your deity, than you do for the non existence of garden fairies.

Grinseed's picture
For Jo

For Jo

"If I take your statement to its logical conclusion, would it be something like this?
A believers or non-believers claims about Gods existence or non existence cannot be proved by objective, falsifiable evidence."

Not really Jo.

In your awkwardly framed question you are suggesting a single outcome for two sorts of claims which ignores the fundamental differences between them.

Theists can't prove the existence of their god by objective falsifiable evidence, because there is none. And it doesnt serve your purpose because your god requires submission to faith not acceptance of fact.

For atheists, regardless of the method and this certainly excludes objective falsifiable evidence, for the very same reason given above (there is none), AND also because atheists can never ever prove a negative, ie that your god does not exist, it is an impossibility, we cant even prove the damned FSM doesn't exist (but I am positive he doesn't, aren't you?).

What theists claim (existence of a god) and what atheists reject (theist claims) are not really the same thing.

But rather than get bogged down in the useless tail-chasing futility of logic and apologetics and the argy-bargy that pushes the burdens of proof back and forth which hasn't really lead anywhere for the past 2,000-odd years, let's try something different, and please don't assume I am just being insulting.

In the theist interpretation of reality, your god exists and is real, he is the Alpha and Omega that influences your every thought, your entire imagination, frames your questions and answers, before you ask and reply, shapes your hopes and wishes etc.

In my atheist interpretation of reality, your god only exists in your collective imagination. The rest of reality is nothing less than the formidable and incredible powers of Nature.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Grinseed Bravo...

@ Grinseed


Tin-Man's picture
@Grinseed Re: "...we cant

@Grinseed Re: "...we cant even prove the damned FSM doesn't exist (but I am positive he doesn't, aren't you?)."

...*horrid look of shock*... EEEEEK! You filthy blasphemous heretic! You take that back this instant and pray for forgiveness! Or the Dark Chef Gordan Ramsey will drag you down to the steamy bowels of Hell's Kitchen and toss your heathen ass into the scalding depths of the Eternal Lobster Pot where you will boil in agony for all eternity! Repent, Grin! For pasta's sake, REPENT!!!

Delaware's picture
@ Grinseed

@ Grinseed

"Not really Jo.
In your awkwardly framed question you are suggesting a single outcome for two sorts of claims which ignores the fundamental differences between them."

I was not referring to atheism.
I was referring to someone who does or does not beleive in God.

Maybe this is a better way to ask the question.
Some say they beleive there is a God others say they believe there is no God.
Can either be proved by objective, falsifiable evidence?

"your god requires submission to faith not acceptance of fact"
Not at all correct.
My faith is a conclusion or confidence in where the evidence has lead me.
It is not beleive in conflict with the facts. It is not proven either.
But is not belief created whole cloth.
Can you give me the" facts" that give you confidence in whatever you beleive?

"In the theist interpretation of reality, your god exists and is real, he is the Alpha and Omega that influences your every thought, your entire imagination, frames your questions and answers, before you ask and reply, shapes your hopes and wishes etc."
The first part is correct.
God exists, is real, and is the Alpha and Omega.
The rest you pretty much have backwards.
If God influences every thought and imagination, how does one ever become an Atheist or non believer?
He does those things if I ask and allow him to.
Even then it is only a little.
God speaks in a "still small voice"
He doesn't scream, force or unduly influence anyone.

"In my atheist interpretation of reality, your god only exists in your collective imagination. The rest of reality is nothing less than the formidable and incredible powers of Nature."
In my theist interpretation of reality, my God exists in more than just my collective imagination. The formidable and incredible powers of nature testify of God

Both are faith claims,
Your "interpretation" is vastly different than facts.
Can you provide objective, falsifiable evidence to prove that the rest is just nature?

I hope I don't come across as being difficult or demanding.
I am just trying to use the same line of reasoning for all "interpretations".
How can one persons notion of God be objective fact and another persons notion of God be delusional, illogical, and irrational?
Shouldn't the same standard apply to both notions?

xenoview's picture

You are running two questions together.
1)Person believes in god.
2)Person doesn't believe in god.

Atheist have a lack of belief in god.
Theist have a belief in god.

Theist have failed to provide objective evidence that their god is real.

Delaware's picture
@ xenoview

@ xenoview

I was not referring to the definition of atheism

If you talked to someone who says they beleive there is no God.
Would you ask them for objective evidence for their belief?
Could they provide it?

xenoview's picture

You can't prove something that doesn't exist. I have seen no evidence that any god is real.

You believe in a god, so you have the burden of proof. That means you have to provide objective evidence that a god is real.

Delaware's picture
@ xenoview

@ xenoview

"You can't prove something that doesn't exist."
Science does that all the time.
Maggots do not arise spontaneously from rotting meat.
There is no life on the Moon.

"I have seen no evidence that any god is real."
What would evidence that God is real look like?

"You believe in a god, so you have the burden of proof. That means you have to provide objective evidence that a god is real."
That may be the official dogma :-).
But is that the best way to figure out the answer?

Nyarlathotep's picture
xenoview - You can't prove

xenoview - You can't prove something that doesn't exist.

Jo - Science does that all the time....Maggots do not arise spontaneously from rotting meat.

Science is incapable of proving such things.

Delaware's picture
@ Nyarlathotep

@ Nyarlathotep

It is a famous event in the history of science when "In 1668, Francesco Redi challenged the idea that maggots arose spontaneously from rotting meat." He is the founder of experimental biology.

Nyarlathotep's picture

What you've given me seems like a bait and switch.

You seemed to imply that science proved maggots do not arise spontaneously from rotting meat. I said science wasn't capable of such things. Your response was links to articles about how someone collected evidence that maggots do not arise spontaneously from rotting meat. That is not even an attempt at proof.

Many famous people have expressed it more succinctly than I ever will. The following is just one example:

Michael Mann - Proof is for mathematical theorems and alcoholic beverages. It’s not for science.


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