There isn't a shred of scientific evidence for creationism

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Hollis Evon Ramsey's picture
thank you so much! i love
Sheldon's picture
Thank you for that, I haven't
bigbill's picture
Why don`t you address the
Hollis Evon Ramsey's picture
your initial mistake is in
Sheldon's picture
"as the physicist Richard
Sheldon's picture
"In the torah the first book
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Sheldon " In the Torah"
Sheldon's picture
Sadly I fear he like most
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Spot on.
Sapporo's picture
I haven't seen anyone other
algebe's picture
@faith in god" change my
Tin-Man's picture
@FIG Re: "Well I was
Sheldon's picture
"Well I was created in the
bigbill's picture
Sheldon I see you have no
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
"Sheldon I see you have no
Sheldon's picture
"Sheldon I see you have no
Sheldon's picture
Sun, 02/04/2018 - 01:29
algebe's picture
@faith in god: He received
Tin-Man's picture
@FIG Re: "A Vulgar hating
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
all of 'this' came from the
Hollis Evon Ramsey's picture
thanks for that


Attach Image/Video?: 

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
Please do watch it indeed, it
Hollis Evon Ramsey's picture
i've already got it cued up.
LucyAustralopithecus's picture
I hope you enjoy your nap, it
David Killens's picture
Well I was created in the
Sapporo's picture
How is babby Jesus formed?
Sheldon's picture
Sadly Billy's ineptitude


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