the theory of evolution is lacking.

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Nunya Bizness's picture
the theory of evolution is lacking.

First of all. Don't tell me I'm too stupid or uneducated to understand it. I'm neither.

It's precisely because I'm educated that I find it lacking. I'm not going to accept a theory without thinking about it. And this theory is lacking. And once again... i know... i know... a scientific theory isn't just a 'theory'. Right. Right.

But the story goes... all life started out as simple chemical reactions. Due to evolutionary forces, chemicals that replicated were the ones that remained. And I understand that evolution is a separate theory from 'the origin of life'... but not really. Not to any sane person.

So anyway, chemicals messed around and formed the first bits of replicating bits of matter we call 'life.' Fine... I'll buy that so far.

Then... at some point... DNA... and then... single celled organisms. Then multicelluar organisms. And then these organisms and ecosystems that just totally change planet-wide every once in awhile, with almost no in between state.

This is where it all breaks down for me. These giant... unexplained leaps.

1. Why can't we reproduce this chemical phenomena of the creation of life, and why isn't it still happening? We still have single celled organisms all the way up through full blown multicellular oganisms. So why can't we find really simple non-DNA life also in this chain? The truth is... if evolution is a big chain, the beginning is missing.

2. Why DNA? Everyone acts like it makes sense that every single thing on this planet has DNA. There's no REASON for it to be this way however. If DNA could evolve, then other entirely different forms of replicating lifeforms should have formed also. I'm always reading about how a banana and a person have almost exactly the same DNA. That seems... odd.

3. If random mutation causes evolution... then why are mutations so rare and so often fatal? For a 'positive' mutation to occur, there must be millions of 'negative' mutations. And yet everything we know about lifeforms show us that they are designed to not have mutations. And going all the way back through the fossil record, you rarely find animals with negative mutations.

4. Missing links. Everyone acts like just because damn near all the 'links' are missing in evolution, it doesn't matter. It matters.

5. Irreducible complexity. I have read zillions of articles talking about how this is such a stupid idea. Well... no it's not.

6. Time scale problem. No matter how many billions of years we think Earth has been here... it's still not enough time for random chemicals to randomly evolve into a guy studying a spider in venezuela, according to a lot of people.


1. Life did not evolve on this planet. That is why there is no evidence that it did.

2. Life, maybe in the form of highly advanced single celled organisms came to this planet on a meteor or something. And when I say 'highly advanced' I mean, basically what we have today. I just think single celled organisms are more advanced than we give them credit for. We still know surprisingly little about them.

3. These single celled organisms are more like nanobots. With highly intelligent DNA code. They basically have some type of 'cellular rogramming' and they 'evolved' out in a branching, yet symbiotic way to create an ecosystem for the planet. They then evolved up into multicellular organisms. And at all times, there is a bunch of communications going on between all the cells on this planet, keeping the biosystem going.

4. Any time there is a major climate shift, all of the larger, multi cellular organisms die. But the single celled organisms survive. The single celled organisms then 'evolve back up into multicellular organisms' once again, that are adapted to the new environment. So let's say our planet heats up and methane flows out of the ground and our nitrogen atmosphere becomes a methane one. We all die. But then the planet is covered in methane-eating bacteria that then evolve over a milliion geneartions into methane breathing worms and so on, until methane breathing intelligent monkeys are walking around, wondering what killed off all of the people they find in the fossil records

5. This is why DNA is epigenetic. Evolution is not through random mutation, but rather an adaptive response to major environmental changes. So we evolve... but it is in response to our environment, according to some genetic algorithm in our cells, rather than random mutation.

This theory explains why there are no links, no mutations, no original life, and why everything has DNA, etc. Whenever anyone questions the theory of evolution as it stands right now... everyone loses their mind. But it's good to challenge and question things. And I think there are some obvious and legitimate problems.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
It is painfully clear from
doubleAtheist's picture
I lost brain cells reading
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"the theory of evolution is
Nyarlathotep's picture
"Now there are some
LostLocke's picture
Did Jeff really just try to
mykcob4's picture
Your post is bunk. You have
TurtleSkeptic22TT's picture
This is more of a response to
ThePragmatic's picture
mykcob4's picture
Check this out:
Sir Random's picture
"Just another troll just
MCDennis's picture
troll alert
LostLocke's picture
Necro alert.
Paradox225's picture
You are right on target . But


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Sky Pilot's picture
If evolution isn't a fact
Randomhero1982's picture
Quite possibly the most
xenoview's picture
MCDennis's picture
Thank you for your opinions
David_Holloway's picture
TRbizness, welcome. You are
Tin-Man's picture
Uh... Excuse me.... Hello?...
Tin-Man's picture
I'm enjoying the discussion
Armando Perez's picture
TRBizness: "And I understand
Tin-Man's picture
Nicely done, Aperez. You
Armando Perez's picture
Thanks. The problem with many
Tin-Man's picture
Actually, I've noticed that
Cognostic's picture
1. Why in the world wouldn't
Sheldon's picture
"First of all. Don't tell me
Sheldon's picture
"So anyway, chemicals messed
Robertrex's picture
You should read some more
David_Holloway's picture
Yep. They have literally said
Tin-Man's picture
Owwwwwwww.....!!! Dammit,


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