The Theory of Evolution

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Tman127182's picture
The Theory of Evolution

Evolution has been attacked by theists for a very long time, mainly because it goes against their religious beliefs and not actual scientific reason for not accept evolution. My question is that why would theists go to such length to keep their personal beliefs in tact, even if it goes against facts and reality? What purpose does that serve and why would they sacrifice quality education for religious indoctrination?

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fallout13's picture
Tman i have asked myself this
samking009's picture
What evidence has evolution
Tman127182's picture
I do not understand your
Rob's picture
They sacrifice quality over
samking009's picture
What I'm asking is that, How
Tman127182's picture
"God created the Universe.
Shock of God's picture
To ask "what created God" is
Spewer's picture
Similarly, to ask "what
Spewer's picture
"I might also add that you
Shock of God's picture
Yet most modern cosmologists
Spewer's picture
"...why did the Big Bang
Shock of God's picture
Well, modern cosmology tells
SammyShazaam's picture
Your modern cosmology is not
Shock of God's picture
It seems you're arguing for
SammyShazaam's picture
Stephen Hawking, while
Zaphod's picture
not to mention though very
Shock of God's picture
Stephen Hawking, along with
SammyShazaam's picture
Dude, I totally get
SammyShazaam's picture
Btw, there is quite simply no
Shock of God's picture
Actually, infinites do not
SammyShazaam's picture
The use, and the existence of
Shock of God's picture
An actually infinite number
SammyShazaam's picture
Einstein had several versions
Shock of God's picture
The fact that the Universe
Spewer's picture
"You also contradicted
Shock of God's picture
Actually, it bolsters that
Spewer's picture
There are conditions
Shock of God's picture
To assume that the conditions
Spewer's picture
"To assume that the
Shock of God's picture
But, abiogenesis, being the


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