Theories and beer.

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mykcob4's picture
Theories and beer.

The oldest manmade beverage is beer. The earliest evidence of beer is in a Sumerian poem honoring Ninkasi about 3900 years ago. That means beer has probably been around for longer than 3900 years. Oh, by the way, religion is probably the same age.
I wonder if thoughts of a god actually were contemplated over a couple of beers. Probably the idea of Abraham was planned out on a bar napkin or the equivalent of the time. Maybe it was actually Abraham himself.
I can just envision it now:
"Hey bub,...hic*...See I've been wonderin' what's it all for. Life, I mean. I figure that there is some dude way up there (pointing to the stars). Pullin' the reigns on the old chariot if you know what I mean....hic*!

So on and so forth. Yes, I bet had a big influence on the folklore that we now call the belief in god. Now you might say that some religions don't believe in alcohol but hasn't always been the case. After the old adage is "where ever you see 4 baptist together you'll find a fifth (meaning pint). Hell, terrorists right before a suicide attack are usually leaving a topless bar.

I guess that alcohol is a big factor in generating the warped idea of a god and religion.

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algebe's picture
@Mykcob4 "I guess that
mykcob4's picture
You're probably right.
Tin-Man's picture
Beer just makes me have to
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Thinker's picture
Probably smoking a big hogleg
Tin-Man's picture
Muchos gracias, Thinker. That
Flamenca's picture
I'm not much a beer drinker,


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Tin-Man's picture
NOW it's a party!
David_Holloway's picture
Count me in. Mykcob4 and Tin
Tin-Man's picture
Sounds good to me, Agnos.
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Coke on the rocks will suit
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Like my history teacher:
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Re: History teacher
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Okay, folks, Nyarthelahotep,
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mykcob4's picture
I've tried them all Algebe
algebe's picture
Things have changed a bit in


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