Theology vs The Bible - Word of God?

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jamesRyland's picture
Theology vs The Bible - Word of God?

I was sent this and even-though it was all over the place and avoiding the fact that people do bad things DIRECTLY because of their religious affliction, I think it has a few good points, mainly.. people are being 'deceived' into doing bad things because it is not the actual word of god but charlatans that pretend it is and use the bible to do it.

I split it up into easy segments.

*Do you agree at least with me, that a religious doctrine, institutions, leaders and what so ever people understand about "religion" is not neccesarily the same like for example the content of the bible, Gods Word?

-- Im saying this because A LOT of christian leaders, pastors, priests who teach theology ingore what the bible teaches.

-- Theology and the Bible are two different things. Thats what I actually want to say.

-- So if a pastor [Stephen Anderson about Orlando Nightclub] like you quote says something like that, it shows that he doesnt understand what he is representing or he doesnt know what the Holy Scriptures say about a topic like this.

-- Its again what I meaned before: A form of abuse. Because he is abusing his position of a leader without any real understanding about the new testament that "created" Christianity.

-- Also it shows some form of fanatism because there are a lot of verses in the bible who condemn any form of violence against other people.

-- It also condemns any form of fanatism. Someone who is using bad language and behavior against homosexuals should overthink what it means to be a christian.

-- The problems start if they FIRST dont understand and secondly if they start to think they are "better" or more worth then someone else. Do you agree?

-- Do you think people would listen or even agree to a pastor like you mentioned, if they knew what "God" (Bible) teaches?

-- Im not a person who is trying to reform people so they start to believe in God, so please dont missunderstand me.

-- But I also know the bible very good. Thats why I see a lot of differences and A LOT of abuse and missunderstanding. I hope your ok with my answer. *

My answer would still be.. the people who do bad things directly because of their religion are still religiously motivated REGARDLESS if it is the word of God or not, which was my point all along. They would do anything for gods approval and get an eternity of bliss in heaven. They would believe and do anything their pastor tells them. Why? It is the religious mentality to want to be a slave, to have eternal protection and to gain certainty in heaven. Yes Theology and the bible are different and they can overlap.. still doesn't disprove that what people are doing IS because of their religion.

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algebe's picture
I think this a typical
jamesRyland's picture
My thoughts exactly.. just
algebe's picture
I'm in a cynical and
Zeus723's picture
I'm less apt to worry about
mykcob4's picture
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx's picture
@james; If I understand you

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