Theists: Why are you AFRAID to do any research?

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arakish's picture
Theists: Why are you AFRAID to do any research?

The title says it all.

I want to know why you theists are so damned afraid to do any actual research of your own.

And when I say research, I mean researching actual "science." Not the theistic libraries since they are filled with nothing but pure hearsay which is inadmissible as evidence.

What is it about "science" that literally scares the shit out of you?

What is it about "research" that literally scares the shit out of you?


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HumbleThinker's picture
"What is it about "science"
toto974's picture
HumbleThinker's picture
Sheldon's picture
I haven't read many of your
HumbleThinker's picture
toto974's picture
Maybe it is leaving their
David Killens's picture
@Humble Thinker
HumbleThinker's picture
"All of the greats in science
Ramo Mpq's picture
"I want to know why all you
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
We can post a bunch of
arakish's picture
@ Searcning
xenoview's picture
Sheldon's picture
Is it ever moral for a 50+
toto974's picture
CyberLN's picture
Talyyn, I think that’s a good
HumbleThinker's picture
CyberLN's picture
I hope you don’t consider my
arakish's picture
@ CyberLN
Calilasseia's picture
Well, I have a prime example
Sheldon's picture
Bravo, and I feel your pain.
arakish's picture
@ HumbleThinker
HumbleThinker's picture
Funny you should end this
Sheldon's picture
I'm not sure I agree about
HumbleThinker's picture
This is all beside the point,
Sheldon's picture
HumbleThinker "He gave a
HumbleThinker's picture
Full Clip of the Reason Rally
arakish's picture
@ HumbleThinker
HumbleThinker's picture
I'm starting to feel like you
HumbleThinker's picture
'OOOoooo, I am Arakish, I
HumbleThinker's picture
I hope this doesn't count as


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