Theists please advise.

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Fallen's picture
Theists please advise.

Let’s say I want to worship the true god. Can someone recommend a religion that will facilitate this?

In the recommendation of your specific religion and deity, can you please cover the following questions:

1. Can your god speak to me directly, without human intervention (books, preaching, your response to this thread etc.)?
2. Would your god allow me to test his/her its divinity by performing repeatable, testable supernatural acts so that I can identify its
truthfulness; or would that not be allowed?
3. What advantage does your god impart on his worshipers in this reality and time, that can only be experienced by worshiping
him/her it, and not by natural means?
4. Did you yourself consider such questions or criteria as mentioned here when deciding which god to worship, or did it just start with

Thank you in advance.

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DoesAtheismEvenMakeSense's picture
NewSkeptic's picture
"And Anthony recalls that
Quantum1988's picture
sujandinesh22's picture
This is Rickdiculous.
Alembé's picture
Hi Quantum,

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