Theists ...lacking something..?

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watchman's picture
Theists ...lacking something..?

Something lacking in the Theist gene pool...?

"Infection alert after dying Ebola patients taken to Congo prayer meeting"....

" Two dying Ebola patients were spirited out of a Congo hospital by their relatives on motor-bikes, then taken to a prayer meeting with 50 other people, potentially exposing them all to the deadly virus, a senior aid worker said on Thursday. "


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LogicFTW's picture
Colonization and the
mickron88's picture
if you think this quack
Cognostic's picture
Looks like the Rapture will
algebe's picture
That's exactly what people in
LogicFTW's picture
You would think they would
algebe's picture
@LogicForTW: You would think
LogicFTW's picture
True, as oppressive things
David Killens's picture
My wife worked for a faith
Cognostic's picture
I got it! Punch! They are
watchman's picture
So now you can see just why
Sky Pilot's picture
The problem is that once a
Cognostic's picture
Jim Jone's Kool-Aid, is what

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