THEISTS here! Do you abide by divine command theory?

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toto974's picture
THEISTS here! Do you abide by divine command theory?

I think the title is itself self-explanatory. I don't want half-hearted, convoluted answers. Only say YES or NO, and if you want to argue, enjoy yourself.

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Cognostic's picture
Divine command, If god
toto974's picture
Cognostic's picture
They all swear their god is a
Fallen's picture
Why does god need proxy's to
Sky Pilot's picture
AJ777's picture
Or the entire earth flooded
LogicFTW's picture
arakish's picture
And how long did it take Ken
Sky Pilot's picture
toto974's picture
Because he can't assume his
Cognostic's picture
Misery loves company. You
toto974's picture
Religion thrives on misery,
Cognostic's picture
Well, now that we have that
Fallen's picture
If you could imagine the
Fallen's picture
Why do we convict murderers
HumbleThinker's picture
Yes. I believe what God
Sky Pilot's picture
HumbleThinker's picture
LogicFTW's picture
HumbleThinker's picture
I did not say there is no
LogicFTW's picture
HumbleThinker's picture
I understand why you would
Sky Pilot's picture
HumbleThinker's picture
Do you learn from anything
arakish's picture
@ HumbleThinker
Sky Pilot's picture
HumbleThinker's picture
Psalm 19:4 (CEV) = "Yet their
Sky Pilot's picture
arakish's picture
HumbleThinker: "Using
HumbleThinker's picture
Am I cherry-picking? I am


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