To theists, have you ever questioned your god why bad things happened to you?

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rider's picture
To theists, have you ever questioned your god why bad things happened to you?

I have. Lots of times, actually.

There were times that I felt helpless and alone and wondered why God let me be in that situation. There were times that I even stopped praying.

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samking009's picture
It shows you've little faith
SammyShazaam's picture
Taken out of the
Strider's picture
"Is God willing to prevent
Shock of God's picture
Do you have a loaf of bread
Spewer's picture
"According to Epicurus, you
Shock of God's picture
Firstly, you're assuming that
Spewer's picture
"Firstly, you're assuming
Shock of God's picture
God is in no way obligated to
Spewer's picture
We agree on this point. My
Shock of God's picture
He is omnibenevolent. But
Spewer's picture
OK, fair enough. How about
Shock of God's picture
Yes, I would. But it is not
Spewer's picture
Given omnipotence, ALL
Shock of God's picture
You are assuming what is true
Spewer's picture
"How can you assume that,
Shock of God's picture
He chooses not to, because of
Spewer's picture
OK, so you are saying god
Shock of God's picture
Because of free will. If He
Spewer's picture
Choosing to allow
Shock of God's picture
*He* is not permitting it, we
Spewer's picture
"I'd like to know how you
Shock of God's picture
Your theory is based off of
Shock of God's picture
Your theory is based off of
Spewer's picture
It appears we have differing
Shock of God's picture
Omnibenevolence, by my
SammyShazaam's picture
Wow, this is awesome! If you
Zaphod's picture
If god created everything he
James's picture
I think every religious
Strider's picture
thx :)
samking009's picture
And everything we do and say,


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