Theists aren't the only nut jobs in this forum

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Anonymous's picture
Theists aren't the only nut jobs in this forum

Theists aren't the only nut jobs in this forum. It is not me--I am handsome, creative, intelligent, interesting, a good singer with a terrific disposition. I don't want to name names but you know who you are!!!!!! God Bless!!

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Nutmeg's picture
The real nut jobs on this
Anonymous's picture
Nutmeg-actually I was talking
Nutmeg's picture
That's classic, Your
Travis Hedglin's picture
This is the most useless and
Anonymous's picture
Travis-kisses and hugs God
Stu. K.'s picture
You are beautiful, my
Nutmeg's picture
He is a national treasure
Stu. K.'s picture
I thought he's hilarious, I
Travis Hedglin's picture
In many comedies there is a
Stu. K.'s picture
You are beautiful, my
Anonymous's picture
Nutmeg, Travis, CyberLn, Jeff
Stu. K.'s picture
As I have said in my soul
Nutmeg's picture
What about the tooth fairy?!?
Anonymous's picture
Nutmeg-you moron-Everyone
Nutmeg's picture
Travis Hedglin's picture
Goddamnit, Kenny, you forgot
Anonymous's picture
Travis, Nutmeg, Stu.k,
Nutmeg's picture
That's not very good. You
ThePragmatic's picture
"Theists aren't the only nut
Anonymous's picture
Pragmatic-I kind of got used

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