theists are selfish

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science's picture
theists are selfish

Just throwing a thought out there... ever notice how theists think that if everything is hunky dory in their own little world( for the time being) they credit God as the reason for it, and along with that, that is their proof that God exists. But there is not a thought or mention for the tens of millions of people across this earth whose lives are NOT so hunky dory. There are people living in war zones, waking up to machine gun fire, the sounds of tanks, bombs, and destruction on a daily basis. Religious fanatics chopping peoples heads off for not going along with their sick beliefs. There are parts of this world ( created by God??) where innocent children, and people are starving to death and dying of diseases, and it has been going on for centuries, there are people living in filth, in cardboard boxes on the side of a dirt road, with wild animals all around them, they can't feed their families, have no money, and no way to make a get the idea...WHERE IS THEIR GOD??!!! Do you think there is a Santa Claus for THOSE children??!! Why hasn't God made their lives so hunky dory? Why has He NEVER answered these people to help them?? Is it because they were all "sinners, including the children," and deserved to live a life of terror? Or, God works in "mysterious ways?" Or is this all part of His "devine plan" whatever THAT may be?? Do the theists think that they are SO SPECIAL that their God has singled them out? Or...THEIR SIMPLY IS NO GOD!! wHAT ARE your THOUGHTS??

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Apollo's picture
I share some of your thinking
ImFree's picture
“They are angels of God, and
Apollo's picture
Yes, I have heard of that,
ImFree's picture
Another tactic theists use is
Apollo's picture
Give me an example of a
Mary Anne's picture
All over the United States,
science's picture
I agree with you. First off,
CyberLN's picture
"Churches run on donations
science's picture
Most of their "budget
science's picture
I also forgot to add, ( HOW
Apollo's picture
No registered non-profit pays
science's picture
By the way, I watched a
Apollo's picture
Well I am aware of a mission
science's picture
You talk about these "crimes
Anonymous's picture
Reality--Take it easy-
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Anonymous's picture
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Saying my people are angels
maberl's picture
there ofcourse is no god....
Apollo's picture
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Apollo's picture
Jeff, and Abeer,
maberl's picture
yeah right!!!!
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Apollo, ad hominems are not
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Jeff, I lump myself in with
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Jeff, any control system,
maberl's picture
well I never mentioned
maberl's picture
For me both reasons of
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
(No subject)
Travis Hedglin's picture
A little off topic, but I


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