Theism makes people stupid.

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Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Theism makes people stupid.

Only a theistic religion can make people fall for such lame scams we call Christianity.

Borrowing from neighbors to donate to a christian preacher so god can make you rich.

Just unbelievable if not seen with your own eyes.

At least she admits that she is stupid unlike most theists I know.
Stupid people can only heal the hard way if healing is even possible.

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Ellie Harris's picture
Lmfao, just no. And as
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
please Ellie enlighten me,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Hmm on this note i think I'm
Nuts Silk's picture
Now, be honest... When you
Ellie Harris's picture
Teresa Forcades is stupid!?
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Does choosing, being
Mardze's picture
Let's not generalized all
Travis Fremon Johnson's picture
Just because some people lack
Zaphod's picture
Good point Travis!
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Travis i don't know who are
Lmale's picture
You could consider how much

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