Their enemy's enemy is not their friend

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algebe's picture
Their enemy's enemy is not their friend

Australia is in the midst of a national debate about same-sex marriage. The various Christian lobby groups are spewing their predictable vitriol, but there has been a deafening silence from Muslims. This article analyzes why.

When they're not demonizing gays, Christians are busy demonstrating outside mosques or yelling abuse at women in burkas on buses. The Muslim anti-gay bigots don't want to align themselves with the Christian anti-gay bigots because they're also anti-Muslim bigots. They also don't want to offend those on the left, who've been the voice of tolerance for both Muslims and gays.

Sometimes it's hard to be a bigot.

However, I was interested to learn from this article that there are organizations called Muslims for Progressive Values and Muslims for Marriage Equality. I think both Christianity and Islam are fundamentally anti-tolerance, so those names make about as much sense to me as Nazis for Racial Harmony.

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xenoview's picture
Sounds like a real mess for
Sky Pilot's picture
A lot of muslim guys don't
MCDennis's picture
I am sorry that this is a

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