"Thank you Jesus"...no my name is Jason. :)

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Jason Holtz's picture
"Thank you Jesus"...no my name is Jason. :)

Hello everyone, I'm new to this site and just wanted to reach out and share a recent experience that resulted in my termination of employment. As a cable technician, i'm use to dealing with the mixed bag of nuts we call "our customers". I pride myself on treating them all with equal respect and professionalism. Being honest and using humor to defuse an awkward situation, has always served me well...until now.

After installing cable service at this residence, the customer became elated that she would be able to watch her shows and not be stuck watching her old DVD's any longer. She had just been released from a rehab center and was eager to catch up on Duck Dynasty and Honey Boo Boo, I was informed by her. I smiled and said "Great, glad to be of service...enjoy your shows". As I was collecting my equipment she says, "Thank you Jesus". I again smile at her and said jokingly, "No, my name is Jason". "Well he helped you" she exclaimed. "I wish I did have some help, it's getting hot outside. It was a challenge to get the antenna just right on your roof" I said politely. "Well he guided you cause I was praying that it would work" she spouted off in spite. "No I had to figure it all out on my own, you have a lot of trees and obtaining signal in this location can be difficult.", I replied. "He gave you the intellect in order to do it" she said with great disdain. Still smiling and using a polite tone I said, "I got where I am today because of hard work. I studied and learned from trial and error over the past 8yrs." I respectfully excused myself and exited her home. As I was gathering the outside equipment, she again attempted to engage me, "So you don't believe in God?" she asked in disgust. I smiled looked her in the eyes and said, "there are many things I do not believe in Ma'am, one of which is discussing things of that nature while on the job". "WELL WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN?" Like we all didn't see that one coming...right? "Me, Myself and I" I said with a smile. Once again I thanked her for her business and said goodbye. She said "I'll pray for you" I said "please don't" out the window and left.

Two days later I am pulled into the office and informed that this woman had not only called in to complain and say that I was the rudest person she had ever met, but that I had also informed her that I hated my job. She stated that I told her the cable service was crappy, and the equipment was crappy, and that she never again wanted me back at her home. Without hesitation from upper management the decision was made. I was to be terminated without any opportunity to share my side of the story.

This is the world I live in, where a lying, spiteful, delusional christian can ruin the livelihood of someone who is only doing their job, by simply making false allegations over the phone. In hind site...had I just okie-doked her and walked away, I would still have a job. Yet I feel I had the right to say what I did...and i must say, it was very amusing to watch the hatred build up inside her with every word I chose.

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CyberLN's picture
Mighty christian of her, eh?
Jason Holtz's picture
yeah...bless her heart.
Capt.Bobfm's picture
Been there, done that !
Zaphod's picture
If I had a cable company I
Jason Holtz's picture
Well thank you, but at this
Zaphod's picture
I am no lawyer but sounds to
SammyShazaam's picture
I was going to say the same
Capt.Bobfm's picture
A lot of companies operate
Zaphod's picture
Good advise, people should
SammyShazaam's picture
Agreed, the interview process
SammyShazaam's picture
Agreed, the interview process
firebolt's picture
If it's not the customer they
Lmale's picture
Shared on facebook. Seems to
Wireguy73's picture
Companies centered on
Bruce Birkett's picture
Sounds like you got very
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
o0ZebraKing0o's picture
What an awful thing to do, I
mysticrose's picture
I feel sorry for you but
ImFree's picture
Hey Jason, hang in there pal.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
That did you a favor. Even if
Michee's picture
Why did she phone you if she

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