Texas Cheerleaders Can Promote Christianity at HS Football Games

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xenoview's picture
Texas Cheerleaders Can Promote Christianity at HS Football Games

A few years ago the Kountze High School (TX) cheerleaders won a lawsuit that lets them use signs with bible verses at football games.


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chimp3's picture
That will not pass in the

That will not pass in the higher courts.

Sky Pilot's picture


A person could have a lot of fun holding up signs with the bad and sexy biblical passages. And what could they do but end the practice?

xenoview's picture
It still has to make to a

It still has to make to a higher court. I'm surprised that FFRF hasn't challenged it in court.

MCDennis's picture
Theism is a mental illness

Theism is a mental illness

algebe's picture
Well I'm afraid I dislike the

Well I'm afraid I dislike the whole idea of school cheerleading. What's right about young girls performing sexually suggestive dances to encourage hormonally deranged boys to perform better at their sport? Why aren't the girls on the field doing their own sports? My daughter played field hockey and soccer at high school. I would've been very upset if she'd wanted to be cheerleader.

The banner really fits the occasion. Disrespect for women and girls is very biblical and christian.

And another thing. I read somewhere that cheerleaders at football matches suffer more injuries and more serious injuries than the players because of all the crazy pyramid stunts and high tosses that they do these days.

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