Survey study on atheists!

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atheist_researcher's picture
Survey study on atheists!

Hi all! I'm a grad student conducting a survey study on atheism. As an atheist myself, I know there is very little research on atheists-- I also know there are very few of us, overall. That's why I'm trying to recruit people from a range of sources.

I'd like to share my link here and invite you all to participate!
[survey closed]

Please note a few requirements, though. You must be 18+, from the US, and be an atheist who believes God does not exist.
I apologize for having such narrow requirements!
The survey should take about 7-10 minutes.

I'd appreciate your contributions!


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mykcob4's picture
Go away!
Dave Matson's picture
I surveyed your questions and
mykcob4's picture
A problem with the survey is
Pitar's picture
A recent survey says ...
an_order_of_magnitude's picture
I feel like such a fool!! I
an_order_of_magnitude's picture
"You must ... be an atheist
atheist_researcher's picture
Thanks to everyone who took
an_order_of_magnitude's picture
Can you post the cover letter
mykcob4's picture
now go away
MCDennis's picture
Believes that gods don't
xidog43374's picture
Learning in the modern world
VItor's picture
Elevate your projects with
siyakoli02's picture
There is no big surprise in

Donating = Loving

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