Subculture Pathology, Amateur Psycho-analysis, Whatever! An OP-ED

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mykcob4's picture
Subculture Pathology, Amateur Psycho-analysis, Whatever! An OP-ED

Titles don't matter. The thing is if one observes as I do the politics of the day one can glean a certain type of person drawn to the religion drug, and can also understand how that drug is used to manipulate said type of person.
I am speaking in very broad generalities and basing those observations on personal experience. There is nothing scientific about my findings.

The type: Uneducated, or under-educated, unemployed or under-employed, under paid and exploited.
White, christian, middle aged, health in various states of minor to major decline. Single or married with children in both situations.
Not well read. The extent of reading material consist of Narnia, Anna Karenina, highlighted portions of the Holy Bible, and various propaganda books produced by one or several of the conservative ICONS that are cable news propagandist.

The drug: Religion, a promise of security, belonging, personal wealth, independence and freedom, and no unknowns.

The results: Bigotry, homophobia, Islamophobia, fear of the Fed, or fear of the EU, war on women and women's rights, fear and hatred of immigrants, denial of science, history, logic, common sense, and civility.

Body: Corrupt Corporations have utilized different arms of persuasion to manipulate the weak minded masses into cooperating (against their own best interest) into increasing the profits of those corporations and concentrating wealth into the top 1% of the population. They may use pop culture to dumb down those masses. They may use hype (crime reporting and the way it is reported) to instill fear of segments of society. They always use religion to close the deal in gaining full cooperation from those masses.
Taking the religion tact:
1st there is distraction. Ginning up abortion as a sin, and homosexuality as a sin, distracts people from solving and concentrating on real issues like global warming, and economic parity. These weak minded individuals attend church sometimes a fanatic frequency (daily in some cases) where sermons aren't anything more than a political propaganda rant of hate and fear.
2nd Then if that were not enough, they break down into "bible study" groups where specific political slants and distractions are emphasized. Certain aspects of the bible are cherry picked and purposely misinterpreted to justify a political ideology or action (voting or even violence).
This religious tactic isn't exclusive to christians but it is what I am most familiar with. It's obvious that islamic groups use it as well and for the same purpose even though the targets are different. In either case the "victim is totally addicted to the drug of religious instruction.
I have never witnessed anyone that has been totally cured of any addiction. There may very well be some, but I have never seen one example. Whether it be drugs, religion, alcohol, sex, anger, or paranoia, I have never seen anyone that is totally cured.
I am an alcoholic. The best I can do for myself is to admit that fact to myself, embrace it, and never take a drink again. I can't see that it is any different for any other addiction.
So what is the answer? How do we as a society deal with this mass of mindless victims that are coerced into working against their own best interest and the best interest of society in general? I don't know? What I do know is that we have to control corrupt corporations and corruption in general. that is the first step, and though a major undertaking it is minor to enormity of the task at hand.

Today the UK voted for Brexit. This is a result of corporate greed and will cause massive problems for many people worldwide. It was brought on by conservatives that used fear hatred and bigotry. Everyone said that it really couldn't happen, but it just did. In the US people are saying that Trump could never win, but he is one step away from doing just that. If that happens the disaster that befalls the world is unfathomable.

I am not the only casual observer of the world, we all are. I like to call it Cultural Anthropology. It's just a title. Now tell me what you have observed and what you see.

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ZeffD's picture
LibDem MEP: "The EU is like

LibDem MEP: "The EU is like the Hotel California. You can check out, but you can never really leave." Those that campaigned for brexit and 37.44% of the entire UK electorate thought it could happen and they made it so. Note that Brexit is due to occur in over 2 years time and it's possible that there could be another referendum on this. (See below referendums*)

I agree that corruption, corporate and individual, is a problem but so is all sorts of crime. That doesn't explain Brexit which was partly due to Tory Party in-fighting. I think about 66% of Parliamentary MPs were against Brexit and all three main parties officially were for Remain.

Some people feel 'everything happens for a reason', apparently meaning a supernaturally guided reason. As a possibly weak-minded mass, I see things a little differently. I just see 7bn people all with different ideas, opinions and (more problematically) wildly different facts, assessments and assertions.

Addictions do seem unavoidable but needn't be disabling with timely help and support. This needs to be done scientifically and by society as a whole, not left to well-intentioned religionists.

Human tribalism needs to be overcome. Based on religion, nationalism or ideology, tribalism is a huge impediment to human peace and prosperity. Language is another barrier. Humanity needs one language in the home globally for there to be global politics and understanding. Some languages do not even have words and concepts that exactly translate into other languages. The English word 'compromise' is one of them.

*Source: Wiki:
Only one member state, Ireland, obliged by their constitution, decided on ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon through a referendum, and rejected the treaty a first time.
After rejecting the [Maastricht] treaty in a referendum the previous year, this time it was approved by 56.7% of voters with an 86.5% turnout.

mykcob4's picture
Have you noticed how Trump

Have you noticed how Trump has chimed in? He thinks he is leading a world movement. He's not. It is the same old story about people that fear without cause are easily manipulated into acting against their own interest.

chimp3's picture
I appreciate your op-ed

I appreciate your op-ed mykcob4. I often refer to myself as an amateur sociologist/cultural anthropologist and make no apologies for it.

"The type: Uneducated, or under-educated, unemployed or under-employed, under paid and exploited.
White, christian, middle aged, health in various states of minor to major decline. Single or married with children in both situations.
Not well read. The extent of reading material consist of Narnia, Anna Karenina, highlighted portions of the Holy Bible, and various propaganda books produced by one or several of the conservative ICONS that are cable news propagandist."

I believe more of this type have watched the movie "Anna Karenina" than have read the book.

"The drug: Religion, a promise of security, belonging, personal wealth, independence and freedom, and no unknowns.'

This has been my explanation of religion for years. It is the same tactic as most advertising. Identify a problem (Lost? Original sin? Shameful sex life?) that makes people uncomfortable then offer them a way out. "Life too complex for you? Let me offer you a very oversimplified explanation that any idiot could understand!"

"I have never witnessed anyone that has been totally cured of any addiction. There may very well be some, but I have never seen one example. Whether it be drugs, religion, alcohol, sex, anger, or paranoia, I have never seen anyone that is totally cured."

Much like no one ever witnessing an amputee regrowing a limb.

Thanks for the op-ed mykcob4

mykcob4's picture
Thanx chimp. I guess I am not

Thanx chimp. I guess I am not the only one that constantly examines the world.

ZeffD's picture
Sorry if people have tired of

Sorry if people have tired of the topic, but for those interested: Signs of some buyer's remorse?...

Quote: Another recent survey showed up to 7 per cent of Leave voters – around 1.2 million people – now regret their choice, but a spokesperson for the Prime Minister said a second referendum was “not remotely on the cards”.
It cames as a leading legal academic said the campaign for the UK to leave the EU was “criminally irresponsible”...
(I'm pro-remain)

mykcob4's picture
I'm not tired of the topic. I

I'm not tired of the topic. I am frustrated that the general public acts against it's own interest, instead buying into populace rhetoric.

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