Stupid arguments

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Lmale's picture
Stupid arguments

Bringing this back feel free to post stupid arguments by atheists and by theists.
Ill start by saying a christian just told me america legally accepts gods existence so i have to prove he dosent.
He says that putting in god we trust on money and allowing teenagers to sign up to a christian program instead of jail for minor offences proves the law proves his god.
All that proves is christians pass christian laws when they can get away with it. A christian president put in god we trust on money because of communism (thats what he claimed) and im certain christian judges passed the teen law non christians wouldnt see a christian program as proper punishment.
He ignores the fact that america had a republican government that appointed judges, republicans are christian so the appointed judges were you guessed it christian. So if theres more republicans on the bench than democrats it guarantees a christian law is passed hence hobby fking lobby.

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Zaphod's picture
Wow that is a stupid argument
Lmale's picture
Sorry i missed the question
Lmale's picture
This site is apparently proof
efpierce's picture
Thanks for the link lmale, it
Lmale's picture
Its people that use religious
Lmale's picture
This is beyond stupid a
Lmale's picture
My latest stupid argument is
SammyShazaam's picture
... where do you find these
beneames's picture
Just to even it up a bit,
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
yea atheists that say those
ImFree's picture
Correction, win a Nobel Prize
Kataclismic's picture
My aunt told me the other day

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