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Dang. And I was going to harvest some quotes from one of my most revered stoics on the topic. Well, perhaps another opportunity will present itself if I keep my eyes open. Until then, a little humor...
“The Jabalites .... They worship no god; and if we in goodness of heart do send a missionary to show them the way of life, they listen with respect to all he hath to say, and then they eat him. This doth tend to hinder the spread of light.”
― Mark Twain, Letters from the Earth: Uncensored Writings
Good riddance!
I think it is wrong to ban a poster because his posting are disagreeable. I know his OPs kind of huge, but maybe if he were told to post in his own word and in brief, that would be better solution. I admit I don't know anything about forum management since I never done it, so it is just what I thought.
I agree with you and typically employ restraint in this area. However, this poster is a known forum spammer and has been reported by other forums close to 200 times.
It wasn't the content of his posts that got me to want him banned, it was that he started several threads, with long ops, and refused to engage the responses, effectively spamming the site.
So why is all his nonsense still cluttering up the forum?
If a post gets deleted, everything nested under it gets deleted as well. So if your post I'm replying to gets deleted, this post of mine will disappear as well. It becomes a tough judgement call on what should be deleted (since deleting something bad can easily take out dozens of legit posts with it). If the initial post gets deleted it wipes out everything that followed.
I'm not arguing that it should or shouldn't be deleted, just trying to lay out why it can be a tough decision either way.
So just delete the thread. The goofball is gone, any discussion has to be just as inane. No loss. I am talking about the threads that he started.
I've chosen not to delete the posts. There have been some thought provoking responses to them. You are, of course, welcome to ignore them.