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mjfermalino's picture

Does the soul excist? Many are have been on the experienced. Afterlife, neardeath, being consciuos about their spirit seperated from their physical body.. even the greatest scientists claimed that there is afterlife and have been to heaven (and hell). but most havent been in this situation and still unconvinced.. these are the heaviest claims of some poeple and proof that there is really someone with a divine power. what your insight about this?

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XyberEX's picture
Illusions created by the
mjfermalino's picture
but most of them have almost
Travis Hedglin's picture
Every year people around the
Nyarlathotep's picture
If we are just going to make
Nordic Fox's picture
Some scientifically
Travis Hedglin's picture
First, I would have to ask
Nordic Fox's picture
I think the soul is a concept
watchman's picture
Personally I've always looked
Nordic Fox's picture
Very true, I'll have to
Apollo's picture
Anonymous's picture
Mj fermalino-I already
mjfermalino's picture
i dont know you, but i saw
ThePragmatic's picture
mjfermalino's picture
by the way, thank you all for
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
The strongest argument you
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
I would retort, that simply
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"simply because something has
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
""simply because something
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"as to your example, I just
Nyarlathotep's picture
Vincent Paul Tran - 'and
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
"Vincent Paul Tran - 'and
Anonymous's picture
Jeff-There you go again.
Travis Hedglin's picture
You are annoying, if you don
Anonymous's picture
Travis-As always you don't
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Travis--Lets have an
science's picture
No one has ever given me a
science's picture
And on the subject of people
LoisKobb1964's picture
What IS a soul supposed to be
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
I see the question of whether
Nyarlathotep's picture
"What IS a soul supposed to


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