Before something doesn't exist something has to exist to be destroyed.

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HIMELO's picture
Before something doesn't exist something has to exist to be destroyed.

You're at a party and a man introduces himself to you who calls himself God.

You've never heard that word before.

Would you ignore him? Would you say he doesn't exist?

If you got along with the fella wouldn't you tell your friends you have a new friend called God?

If for some reason you decided you hated God you may avoid him and tell everybody God is a liar and a bigot.

You might taint his name. Maybe you're jealous of him, who knows. You hate something about him.

When people asked you if you knew God you might tell them,

'No, God doesn't exist to me.'

'I used to know God, but not anymore!'

'God is out of my life forever.'

'Good riddance to God - he never existed in the first place anyway. He was just an illusion.'

And then somebody says to you, 'But you and I both know God exists. I saw you speaking to him the other day. We both were'.

And you reply,

'That was then, this is now.'

'God doesn't exist, leave me alone'.

'Don't you dare mention God to me ever again or I'll destroy you too - and I'll say you don't exist either'.

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Mutorc S'yriah's picture
There is no reason why "God"
algebe's picture
Cognostic's picture
@ "'No, God doesn't exist to
Grinseed's picture
What are you all taking at
HIMELO's picture
You saying "God doesn't exist
Cognostic's picture
1. "You saying "God doesn't
HIMELO's picture
If you were big and strong
Sam02's picture
I think I broke my brain
Cognostic's picture
Have a cookie and go to your
Sapporo's picture
You're flattering yourself if
HIMELO's picture
If I come up with an original
CyberLN's picture
HIMELO, you wrote, “I'm not
LostLocke's picture
I want whatever the OP is
David Killens's picture
Who was he talking to? Oh my.
NewSkeptic's picture
The delusion is strong with
toto974's picture
No please... as an element of
gupsphoo's picture
HIMELO, I don't want to sound
dogalmighty's picture
What just happened?
terraphon's picture
Someone necro'd a year old
Sheldon's picture
"You're at a party and a man
terraphon's picture
My brain threatened to stab
Sheldon's picture
I don't believe in
terraphon's picture
Yeah...this whole thing was
dogalmighty's picture
Let's do...the time warp..
Cognostic's picture
So, non-existence existed
Calilasseia's picture
The only reasonable
dogalmighty's picture
arakish's picture
Someone resurrected this.

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